The majority of our orders are shipped with various carriers. Sometimes we use other carriers to deliver specific orders or to ease the load on the main carriers to meet our delivery promises.
The expected delivery time is always shown on the product page. Most products that we have in stock are shipped the same day. The evening before delivery, you will receive tracking information with a time window for the delivery. Important to know: the drivers of our chosen carriers deliver the products to the front door on the ground floor.
Also, for larger products such as granite sinks, large fragile sinks, cabinets, etc., you will receive a tracking code in the evening. These products are not delivered to the neighbors and a signature is required, so someone must be home to receive the product. Note: these large products are not delivered on Saturdays!
If the delivery of a large product fails on the first attempt, the carrier will contact you via email or SMS to send you a schedule so you can choose a time when you will be home.
Delivery surcharges of €30 to €100 apply for shipments to islands, due to additional logistical costs such as water transport and limited accessibility, and there are surcharges for pallet shipments for transporting fragile and heavier products.
Brass tap
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc that is known for its durability and corrosion resistance. This makes it ideal for kitchen taps. The golden colour of brass gives a classic, luxurious look, while its antibacterial properties contribute to hygiene in your kitchen. No matter what style you prefer, brass taps offer both functionality and aesthetics.